The digital newsroom dedicated to improving the odds for women and girls.

The United Nations Secretary-General has called achieving gender equity “the greatest human rights challenge at the global level.”

Despite this, women make up only 24 percent of the people we hear, read about, or see in newspapers, television, radio, and online news. 

More to Her Story is a new kind of newsroom. 

We put women’s and girls’ voices front and center, pushing for a world where policies align with real needs and mainstream stories reflect the authentic experiences of women and girls everywhere. We reach an average monthly audience of up to 1.5 million.

As women’s rights are under threat globally, the need for robust and dedicated gender journalism has never been more vital. We publish underreported stories that reach leaders, policymakers, and those who want to deepen their understanding of the global gender landscape and hear solutions.

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The Diaries Series

Hear from young women around the world about their unfiltered lives, challenges, and ideas for a better future.

Read the Diaries here.

The MTHS Podcast

Hear from world leaders, journalists, and young people on the global state of gender equality. Our podcast proudly ranks within the top 10% of podcasts worldwide.

“Tiananmen Square was this massive front-page story for months, and it should have been; it was an incredibly important story. But here we had far, far more people being killed because of their gender, and we don’t write a column inch about it?” 

— Nicholas Kristof, The MTHS Podcast

After covering the Tiananmen Square protests, which resulted in some 500 deaths, Kristof discovered roughly 39,000 Chinese girls died each year because they were not given the same access to food and medical care as boys.

Listen to The MTHS Podcast here.

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